AVAX = Audio Visual Arts Xperience.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

What is AVAX?

Well, its an idea thats been flying around in my head for a while now... Mixing music and visual art into a singular experience... and now it looks like it may actually become a reality!Here's the short version of the story...So Sparx in the City has been putting out a call for street performers. I really didn't react to the call, as I am primarily a painter. I didn't figure that people would be that interested in seeing me live on the street painting, you know the expression 'about as fun as watching paint dry'. But then I get this call from a talent agency in Boston who is doing the talent recruiting for Sparx. They wanted to know if I would be interested, so I thought about it some and said SURE!

The next step was this, I wanted it to be a wild experience, full of energy, and interactive with my audience. So I thought why not add some funky music, and learn some new ways to do my paintings REALLY FAST! REALLY FAST! Like painting a tiki in 7 minutes or less to the reverberated tones of my buddy Brett Everett. I gave Brett a call, and he was down, so I started putting the concept together.

Today was our official tryout for Sparx. There were many more judges than I was expecting. Brett layed down a sweet surf track while I flew through a tiki painting in 5 minutes!!! I am guessing it was a success as I sold the painting right there on the spot! Not only that, but there were others who wanted to buy it too!We will know the final results by next week, but I feel like we nailed it!

Stay tuned for the results. And be looking for AVAX soon! I think that even if we don't get this gig, we will be doing it anyway, just on account'a it was F-U-N! If we get the gig, remember this address http://avax.blogspot.com Once we have done a couple of gigs, we will have video and pics up on our site.


Blogger Offbeat Frequency said...

Yes, the audition was mucho grande fun, and a little nerve racking. I think there was like...15 judges, no kidding. This project will be an awesome outlet for me. Being since the last time I publicly performed was at the SP_m farewell show on 7.25.2003 with the Infrareds. A definite counter strike to my cubicle working drone self. Whoa..watch out! AVAX is here.

-Brett Everett

9:43 AM

Blogger toddv said...

Oh, and let me say, I am so happy to be jammin with Brett again! I miss my days on the stage with SP_m.

10:42 AM


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