AVAX = Audio Visual Arts Xperience.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

dazed and confuzed...

Well, we got the call today... but it wasn't the call we were expecting... so, I guess we won't be sponsored by sparx this summer. But fret not! AVAX is still coming to a street corner near you!

Be on the watch for AVAX...

Stay tuned for details.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Wicked cool round logo for t-shirts, and stickers! Posted by Hello

New and MUCH cooler logo Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 14, 2005

What is AVAX?

Well, its an idea thats been flying around in my head for a while now... Mixing music and visual art into a singular experience... and now it looks like it may actually become a reality!Here's the short version of the story...So Sparx in the City has been putting out a call for street performers. I really didn't react to the call, as I am primarily a painter. I didn't figure that people would be that interested in seeing me live on the street painting, you know the expression 'about as fun as watching paint dry'. But then I get this call from a talent agency in Boston who is doing the talent recruiting for Sparx. They wanted to know if I would be interested, so I thought about it some and said SURE!

The next step was this, I wanted it to be a wild experience, full of energy, and interactive with my audience. So I thought why not add some funky music, and learn some new ways to do my paintings REALLY FAST! REALLY FAST! Like painting a tiki in 7 minutes or less to the reverberated tones of my buddy Brett Everett. I gave Brett a call, and he was down, so I started putting the concept together.

Today was our official tryout for Sparx. There were many more judges than I was expecting. Brett layed down a sweet surf track while I flew through a tiki painting in 5 minutes!!! I am guessing it was a success as I sold the painting right there on the spot! Not only that, but there were others who wanted to buy it too!We will know the final results by next week, but I feel like we nailed it!

Stay tuned for the results. And be looking for AVAX soon! I think that even if we don't get this gig, we will be doing it anyway, just on account'a it was F-U-N! If we get the gig, remember this address http://avax.blogspot.com Once we have done a couple of gigs, we will have video and pics up on our site.

working logo design Posted by Hello

Welcome to the home of AVAX!

We were just born today, in an upper room in Playhouse Square...

Stay tuned for updates, pictures, music, and streaming video...