AVAX = Audio Visual Arts Xperience.

Monday, June 06, 2005

It was a glorious DAY!

The AVAX arrived and threw down! We had fun at our first event the Bow Wow Luau. If you made it out, I hope you did too.

It was also great to put this concept to the test and see what worked and what didn't. I promise our next show will be even better and much more exciting. I plan on working on a much larger canvas or three, and playing off of Bretts hyper sonic sounds even more. So stay tuned and be ready...

... all I want to say for now is - High Velocity Paint... (evil laugh begins here) Muhhahahahaha-haw!

(oh yeah, I almost forgot, stay tuned because we will be working on a video to show you all how this thing works!)


Blogger Offbeat Frequency said...

Yes, the day was nice and the sun was set to crispy. The cheese factor for the event was at 76% but it proved useful as an experiment for what does(did) and does(will)not work.

The tikis were flowing like lava and the sounds of surf were squeezing their way through a boombox via a FM wireless transmitter (which was returned today). Our next performance will feature some sort of battery powered amp.

Until then...

1:08 PM


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